Klov thinking about upgrading forum software – Voice your opinion
I wanted to endorse this movement for sure. Klov arcade forums are finally, again, looking at upgrading their forums. Only minor changes have been made over the life of the forum, some 6-7 years with only small upgrades. A year ago they were looking at an upgrade, and then….nothing. People waited, people asked questions, and no response was given. Hopefully this time, they follow through.
Make your opinion known
Any and every opinion. Talk about integration between the terribly outdated VAPS, the forums, and klov.com. Ask for upgrades in search and the ability to actually add photos to your post inline without having to go externally, size them, and then link them into your post. Ask for the best in software, I would recommend choosing vBulletin for sure. Ask to make the dynamic post ids changed using mod-rewrite to have pretty url’s so that search engines can more easily find the forum, index it, and let general searchers stumble in and join. I mean, where is Klov in the Google searches? Not on the first page for ‘arcade forum’ or ‘arcade game forum’. Spam laden Gamehourz would appear to be our first choice.
The past track record doesn’t speak to Klov’s strengths. Maintenance has switched hands a couple of times over the 15+ years, I think that there has been an under construction sign on VAPS ever since I started collecting so that has been at least 3 years! Wow.
But, everyone should get a chance to improve, and I think this time the Klov forums will follow through with it. They know that if they come out, take feedback again, and then do nothing for another year they will just anger more people and more people will leave. Klov would be wise to set a specs document and timelines for completion. Set timelines for when feedback has to be in, set a timeline for when a final specs document will be published, and then set smaller benchmarks on when each improvement can be expected to be made.
I know these guys donate their services and their time, but that doesn’t mean they can sit on their laurels while arcade collectors are screaming for so much more.
If change is made, that is all that I ever wanted. I wanted someone to follow through with what they said they were going to do. I am not asking for a system that integrates artwork, a game database, a pcb database, etc. etc. on and on in three months. But what I am asking for is constant improvement. Small improvement, over time. What technical system is still viable after 5 years with little to no upgrade? Just about nothing, and that is what the klov forums are, not viable and a horrible time drain when they could be so much better.
The alternative – I got tired of waiting
As I said before, I’m not a programmer. I can’t tie everything together and make everything great. But…I work my butt off. I am trying something of my own, that may or may not take off. I have heard from so many guys that ‘We’d like this and that, we have the skills but we don’t have the time right now’ All I can think to do is invest an hour a night, and a year from now hopefully there will be a great site to visit. Otherwise, I technically don’t have the time either.
So, if you are looking for a forum that is miles above UBBThreads, as well as free blogs, image hosting, an online video gallery (Like our own little YouTube), integrated chat, game groups and more, it resizes images for you – no external linking, check out;
It’s like MySpace, but nicer looking. I am not saying it’s for everyone, but at least give it a shot. Poke around. You will find that it will make your collecting life so much easier.
We’d love to have the Klov guys throw their weight behind our forum, obviously. We are not nearly the size of them or have the retained audience, and we may never be. But our interaction features are so much better, and we could use some help. Greg McClemore is a database admin, so working together we could all make for a great site.
So, there are the options
Try the CoinOpSpace arcade game social network, or give all of your feedback to Greg to make the Klov forums better. He has mentioned a number of great things that an upgrade can bring to users. Otherwise, Greg, let’s pool resources and make the best community available. Let’s work out a deal with Quarter Arcade to use GGDB, improve on it, and dump VAPS altogether.
Change is finally coming, one way or the other.
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- Ning vs. Klov Round 2 – RSS Feeds
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- No ads for a year at CoinOpSpace.com – Arcade Game Forum
- Hey hey, Klov forums got an upgrade
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The forum, with all of it’s woes, I can tolerate. I’ve become very vigilante (as have you Jeff) in bookmarking useful information in Diigo, to avoid the dreaded search feature there. The lack of effort in actually maintaining the database is what irritates me.
The problem with the forum, much like the database is the lack of attention both receive. UBB forums in now on version 7.4, while the site is running version 6.5.2. Much like the database, it has been neglected over the years. I’m wondering how many of the releases between 6.5 and 7.4 fixed some of the issues users are having with the forums.
I have maintained forums in the past and while maintenance releases can sometimes be irritating, they really aren’t too difficult to install.
I love the concept of coinopspace and have been contributing as much as I can there. I hope more collectors discover the usefulness of the site. I wish we could integrate a game database into it similar to KLOV or GGDB…only better and regularly maintained.

I appreciate the feedback from both of you…and I think that as far as forums go, and comparing forums solely against each other, it probably isn’t the best out there, but maybe not the worst, I don’t know.
This new CoinOpSpace.com website has an arcade forum as part of the site, but it is so much more than that, and therefore isn’t going to compete for features just on the forum level. It may need to be a shift in those collectors minds, or it may be that those collectors aren’t the audience. I’ve had a number of conversation with Francis about this.
I think was has started to bug me….is about 1-2 a week now I still head over to Klov, just to see if anything has been done with the updates over there. I see some members who have complained to me about Klov.com as an idea as a whole and who want to help me with my site, posting over there. New topics none the less that aren’t repair related, just general discussion.
I understand if someone need help, and they want to appeal to the biggest audience, but I post here time and again that I need topics…and I am only one guy.
It really will come down to some members in their minds go “Ok, that’s it. No more Klov. It’s about the principle, no more supporting, let’s go in this direction” and my guess is that will be too much to ask.

MAn at this point im up for anything..
as i type the sie is down AGAIN… im going through withdrawls :o(

I know a lot of people are the same way as you Cadillac.
Eventually CoinOpSpace will be the same way. When I did research on how long Klov took to come to some sort or prominence, it was years. I don’t think we’ll have to wait that long for COSP….at least I am going to work as hard as possible to try to have it be otherwise.

Well, the upgrade has happened to the Klov forums, so I am curious to hear what is better / what is worse from you guys that commented originally on this post…
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November 23, 2008
So much comes to mind. I’m past the point of irritation with the current KLOV forum. As a collector, knowledge and access to that knowledge is key. KLOV is anit-knowledge in so many ways. I’ve read a post and find the need to refer back to it a week or two later. My options are search through 2wks of posts, go external and attempt to use google to search KLOV, or ask in the forums if anyone remembers the post. Using the search function is useless. Improving this feature would be a monumental improvement.
The new coinopspace site is fantastic. I am doing my best to spend more of my KLOV time at COS. It will be a slow transition especially with the promise (yet again) of upgrades at KLOV. Jeff puts a great deal of effort into his blog and coinopspace site, just look at how far it has progressed in such a short period of time. No promises, just results. I’m biased I suppose, but if the features and updates continue I’ll be there.
Getting KLOV, GGDB and COS to form an alliance would be amazing. Imagine the power of such pooled information and resources. An all in one location for collecting information. That’s great forward thinking for the hobby as a whole, but I’m not holding my breath. Let’s just hope that when the smoke clears we have a good resource for the community.