Rotheblog makes Gameroom Magazine
Granted, my understanding it was just a blip. But I heard that my “15 Most Valuable Classic Arcade Games” post made Gameroom Magazine that was released this month October 2008, probably the November issue? Can anyone help me out? Send me a scan of the little article mention? Or maybe a photo?

I thought that I was going to have a copy of Gameroom coming my way, but I don’t know if that is still happening. I don’t know how many subscribers of Gameroom read this blog, I feel like there are the collectors who are online, and there are the collectors who are not, and there are only a few of you in the whole scheme of things that do both. But I thought I would turn to you guys to see if you could help me out.
Update October 11, 2008
Thanks to Jamie over at, I got a scan of the article that got a little blimp in Gameroom magazine this month. Thank you Jamie for the time and help and thank you to Kevin Steele for featuring my hard work in his great magazine.

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Thanks Jamie, got a copy of the article from Gameroom Magazine and now it’s a part of the post. Glad you were willing to help out.
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October 10, 2008
Hey Jeff,
That’s cool that you got mentioned. I have a copy of it…scanning now and will send it to you via email. If you want the actual magazine I can send it to you after I get around to reading it. Just remind me about that if I forget.