Bootleg or Willis Mr. Do! Artwork
Got an email from a reader who has a Universal style Mr. Do! that he built from scratch! As I wait on photos from him for that cool project he also sent me photos of the artwork on the cabinet. The control panel artwork has some elements from the original Universal control panel, but is a bootleg and feels a lot like a Willis piece.
Mr. Do! Willis Control Panel Artwork
I don’t have all of the Willis pieces committed to memory, so I went back and checked the Willis control panel artwork photo gallery just to be sure, and this is a different piece of artwork.

The Willis overlay from the gallery;

And here is the image from the vectorization I did of the original Mr. Do! control panel artwork;

Make it just different enough so there are no copyright enfringements
That is what I feel like when I see this piece. The rounded rectangles around the buttons, the blue circles around the joystick and throw button, the star patterns, the green brick and the black. Not to mention the instructions artwork looks very similar to the original instructions, gameplay on the left, Mr. Do! visual aids on the right.
Fun, fun. I enjoyed seeing this. Look forward to seeing the cabinet. Chris Moore, ever seen this piece of artwork before? Can you comment on whether it’s a Willis or not without seeing the fine print?
Here are some similar arcade posts
- New Resource – List of Willis Control Panel Overlay Artwork with Photos
- Mr. Do! Cocktail Conversion Artwork
- Mr. Do Illustrated Sideart History
- Reproducing Control Panel Artwork – Control Placement
- Mr. Do! Conversion Control Panel Artwork
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April 14, 2013
It’s not a Willis piece, they would have clearly labeled it, visible even in such a small pic. My first guess is that it was an early license for the game and some importer made some custom art, or its bootleg art made for the numerous bootleg Mr. Do! pcbs that made it over to the US. The game was so popular back in the day it was too tempting a target!