Great Mr. Do! Cabinet Portland Craigslist
Wow, I totally missed a deal. A Mr. Do! on Craigslist in Portland on Sunday with an asking price of $50. It sold in 15 minutes (not surprisingly), but even that asking price seems really low especially for the condition the game appeared to be in from the photo.

Looks like the Universal Mr. Do! was working, and for just $50 I could have shipped it to Indianapolis, Indiana for a really reasonable total price. Or, at the least, Rich Lint could have picked it up and somehow squeezed in some Mr. Do! reproduction artwork to his production schedule.
I have finished writing up my trip to pick up my Mr. Do! in Chicago from last month, and hope to have that posted tonight. If this game had sold about 3 states more east I might have been kicking myself since Mr. Do!’s are so hard to come by. Here’s the link to the Mr. Do! that sold on Portland’s Craigslist although it’s already been removed though.
Does the lucky winner who picked up the Portland Craigslist Mr. Do! find want to step forward and brag a little?
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What every collector would do, I would make one Universal Mr. Do! from the worse looking arcade parts and sell that off and keep the best looking one for myself 🙂

Yes, I would like to step forward. The story goes like this, my older Brother lives at the Oregon Coast and I live closer to the Portland area. Early Sunday morning I get a call from my Brother saying there was a arcade game on Craigslist for $50 in Portland. And gave me directions to it. The person was having a estate sale and was due to open at 9:00. I got there just after 9 and thought someone else might be getting it when I see a couple of guys lifting something heavy out the front door, But it was just a antique dresser(Whew!). Anyway I go inside find the game look it over and offer the guy $20. He thinks about it for a few seconds and says no, due to he had other people call. So then I offer $40(Because I did not have time to stop and get change)and he takes it. I load the game in the back of my van and take it to the Portland terminal of the Truckline my Brother works for and drop it off so they could deliver to the coast. Where it will now have a home along with about 4 Arcade Games, two Pinballs , and some Slots.

Wow and to think I was going to give the guy 100!
but he said he had someone coming from Lincoln City.
Until we meet again next time Mr Do!

Awesome Awesome! I spoke with Chris right before you left the comment about the Mr. Do! deal in Portland, Oregon. What a great pickup for you guys both! I would love to see photos to show off the quality of the cabinet and the machine in general.
Thanks for relaying the story. I love that you had the cajones to talk them down from their price and get an even better deal on that Mr. Do!
Hopefully the monitor issue is temporary and an easy fix.

It’s all about timing right? To think within a minute or two you might have had a chance at the Mr. Do! But from the sounds of the story and the on site looksie, maybe you never really had a chance.
But at least Donner and Chris were nice enough to come forward. Hopefully now Chris will email me if it is ok if the opportunity is there for the two of you to hook up in case This Old Game ever wants to try to reproduce the Universal sideart.

That is the one thing I NEVER do. Is pay full price. My wife hates it. I have walked away from good deals because someone wouldn’t come down in price. Hey what can I say I am cheap. Ha Ha.

Yeah, wow! Sometimes a favorite game can overrule that directive. But, maybe a Mr. Do! for Chris wasn’t in his top 3 games, who knows…
I probably would have been so blathering stupid to find that arcade game deal locally that I might have been talked up in price 😉

i have a pachinko machine u know with the steel balls i think it is from the 70 s it was arunner in its day would you be likeing it $30 i would deliver. thx
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August 18, 2008
Wow, that really sucks. What would of you did with two of them anyhow. 😉