Pengo Control Panel Color Separations
The Pengo control panel was the definitely the hardest piece of arcade artwork I have worked on to date when it comes to color separations. I made myself sit down yesterday and crank through it.

Here are the images of the myriad of different colors – Dark Blue, Light Blue, Red, Purple, and Yellow. Obviously as we have talked in the past, the purple may just be combination of the red and the blue, that will have to be determined in the screening process. I didn’t have a standard bleed amount, but some of the measurements were as small as .005 of an inch. Pretty small, I don’t know whether this will actually make a difference in consideration of registration, lots of fine detail.
Let’s get the Pengo control panel overlays reproduced
For me, this piece of Pengo artwork is absolutely, completely finished. I knew how much work was involved in doing the separations which stalled me for awhile. But now all that is left is to have the overlays printed.
I have had a couple of parties that are interested in funding the project, so I need to get back in touch with them to see if they’re still interested. But I know that once I drop the hammer on printing the Pengo control panel reproductions, I want it to be printed as quickly as realistically possible so we don’t have to keep anyone interested waiting.
Update – August 14, 2008
The people that initially expressed interest to put up the money to have the Pengo control panel overlays reproduced have fallen through. If there is anyone that wants to see the artwork that I have prepared printed and reproduced, get in touch with me if you are willing to put up the money for a small run of Pengo CPOs.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Pengo Bezel Color Separations
- Pengo Sideart Color Separations
- Pengo CPO Vector Update 3 – Tracing Complete!
- Pengo control panel overlay reproductions are coming.
- Mappy Color Separations Finished
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@Dan P:
Thanks for dropping me a line and keeping in touch. I could still use a good scan of the Pengo Numerals CPO, if you have the capability to do that before you apply it to your machine. I couldn’t tell by your offer if you were able to do that or not…

You’re on it.
I have a list going…and I have the full list of 100+ owners of the game, as I emailed them all about joining CoinOpSpace.
I’ll let you know when I have more to say. I hope soon…but don’t we all.

Any movement on the Pengo overlay? I’m restoring one and am interested in seeing how this comes out.

The overlays were produced, and haven’t sold out just yet. You can purchase a Pengo overlay from This Old Game. Also, here’s a post showing the Pengo overlay installed.
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June 20, 2008
Glad to hear the cpo is set to go and will hopefully soon become a reality. I was actually contacting you and see if you needed to reference a NOS roman numerals cpo for any reason as I just received the one bkoenig had been holding on to. It looks likely that you have this covered already and probably don’t have a need for this. Oh I’m still planning on buying a repro cpo when they are available. Now it would be great to get some side art!