Buy Some Jr. Pac-man NOS Artwork
Jr. Pac-man is one of my favorite games, that is no secret. So I thought it worth a quick mention that a collector in Oklahoma is selling off a modestly rare and eclectic collection of arcade games. In his lot of arcade games for sale he has a Professor Pac-man, which is the most rare and hardest game he owns, as well as a Lock N’ Chase and a Jr. Pac-man conversion that includes un-applied (New Old Stock) artwork for the kickplate and the sideart.

Granted, the Jr. Pac-man sideart are just the little square sticker decals with the rounded edges and if you are patient enough, you might see a set of those come up for sale on ebay about 3-4 times a year with a price ranging from about $30-$40. However, this is only the third piece of Jr. Pac-man kickplate art with the protective backing I have seen. Here is Dustin Hubbard’s original post.
He is looking for $500 for the Professor Pac-man, that isn’t a bad price depending on condition. The arcade game is missing one game board, which is the reason Dustin is selling it, but if you know some well connected collectors you might be able to track down that missing Professor Pac-man PCB. I know of one person in particular who might have one, but you probably won’t ever see Professor Pac-man stuff offered on ebay or to the collecting group. You’d have to grease the wheels;)
Anybody think that the Professor Pac-man price is too high? How much do you think the Jr. Pac-man kickplate and sideart pieces will sell for? I am guessing based on condition in the photos, probably around $100 for the set at most, if he can find another collector willing to pay that much. Agree, disagree? Leave a comment.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Jr. Pac-man dedicated in Arkansas
- Lower Professor Pac-man cpanel artwork
- Pac-man Cabaret – Valuation Example
- Photos of the Professor Pac-man Sideart
- New NOS artwork from QuarterArcade warehouse raid last year
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September 19, 2011
how would i get the art work for pace man jr to buy form you is their a web site