Arcade Game WordPress Themes
I am curious what you guys think. If Rotheblog started to come up with arcade game WordPress themes, which would be the first these you would like to see done? Vote on the poll below.
Now, if I haven’t listed your favorite arcade game here and you feel like there should be a WordPress theme for it, leave a comment instead below the poll. The arcade games listed here are some of the most popular and therefore most universal in interest. Plus, some classic game artwork doesn’t lend itself well to a WordPress template. Tron – yes. Sinistar – It could be done, but not as easily.
Oh, and I have purposely left off Pac-man (all variations) and Galaga for the obvious reasons. You can vote for them in the comments, but those votes will probably fall on deaf ears.
I’ll be curious to see the feedback.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Donkey Kong WordPress Theme – Ver. 1
- What Classic Arcade Games should be on the Xbox360?
- Road Trip to the Arcade Game Museum
- New Arcade WordPress Theme – RGVAC
- Super Pac-man for $75 Muskegon Craigslist
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@Jeff Rivera:
Just posted about a Donkey Kong arcade game WordPress Theme. But you already know that…

Hey, Jeff,
Just happened to come across this while searching for arcade-game related WP themes – I like your stuff. But I have to ask — no Space Invaders? I would’ve thought that that might have provided some pretty iconic video game imagery for a blog theme. 🙂

@Matt Balmer:
Thanks for the compliment. I only did one free arcade theme fully built out, and that had Missile Command imagery. That is just the game I chose. I feel like Space Invaders has been done, it might have been a more safe bet for making a free theme and generating interest but I am just not that big of an Invaders fan.
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April 21, 2008
Daaa-aaaad, stop playing Dooooonkeeeey Kooooong!
If you were to put out some arcade-related WordPress themes, well, I’m pretty sure my blog’s look would change rather quickly.