Donkey Kong 2 Shirt & Arcade Goodies
Even with my new Donkey Kong 2 tshirt, white man still can’t ‘jumpman’. Today I got a package of goodies in the mail from This Old Game for work on different projects. Check out the photos of the films, product samples and magazines.

This makes two arcade tshirts, the other one is a white Pac-man. Here I thought the arcade addiction stopped at the little old cabinets sitting in my basement. Kind of depressing that this is a ‘large’, but hey, I’m not a skinny freshman anymore.
Some of the other goodies in the package – two acetate films with varying postscript test halftone patterns with different dot percentages. I will be using these to compare to the Pengo sideart artwork to see which matches that halftone best. Either way, Rich has a Pengo sample marquee now, so matching the halftone in that lettering will be that much easier. There is even a strip where the halftones fade, varying overlapping dot sizes, from a full 100% to 10% or less.
Also included, a film test print with the Pengo logo, a sample piece of rubylith which I have talked it’s use in selective screening on the Agent X project, my first two Gameroom magazines from February and March of 2008, and a sample piece of Non-Glare Matt Polycarbonate Asteroids Deluxe control panel overlay.
Rich, thank you for getting these things out to me and I hope to put the samples and halftone film prints to good use here very soon.
Order your own Donkey Kong 2 ‘Jumpman Returns’ T-Shirt from This Old Game when they become available. I am not sure if I am the first collector to have one or not. I would assume Jeff K. would have one at the very least, if not the auction winner for the DK 2 artwork package from a couple months back. My favorite part about the shirt is in the small details. The Donkey Kong logo is simple and well resolved, the lettering is crisp, the emblem feels raised and you can see a faint hint of grey outlining the white lettering. Great work.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- New Donkey Kong 2 Webpage Design
- Donkey Kong 2 Marquee Films
- Agent X / Cloak & Dagger Kickplate Artwork Film Updates
- Donkey Kong Deal in Indy
- “Kong Me Baby” – Free Donkey Kong WordPress Theme
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LOL, ok. Now wait, look back again, can you see pink elephants dancing in the background?
If my head looked like my torso I’d be in trouble.

OMG! I see them!
I was referring to how the t-shirt in the top picture is sitting almost directly where your head would be on the second if they were stuck together as one pic. In other words, I’m crazy. 🙂
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April 27, 2008
Very cool stuff. Hey, I don’t know if it’s because I’m not fully caffeinated yet or what – but if you look at those two pics quickly, it looks like you have a smaller DK II shirt wrapped around your head, like you are getting ready to rob an arcade or something. 🙂