Bally Mappy Cabinet Project
Did a little swaperoo last Friday with another member on the board, good to meet ya Jeff. Have I told you I think your parents were brilliant in naming you? Jeff had a Mappy cabinet that was converted into a Kicker, which he says is a terrible game (I’ll take his word and not waste my time).
Knowing that Jeff wanted to have a Nintendo cabinet to make a Donkey Kong II when the art is ready and I like to help other collectors out when I can, we did an even swap and he took the Vs. Nintendo Mario Brothers / Top gun cabinet I got last month. I kept the pcb, and at some point Jeff is going to get me the harness since he won’t end up using it in the conversion. Why play Mario on a tiny Nintendo when I can put it in a huge space absorbing cabinet right?
Here are some photos from the swap;

Mappy Contest
Now, as a fun little game, if you can guess what I am plan on doing with the Mappy cabinet, (two part thing – The first part should be easy, the second part, maybe not as much) I will make a banner ad and promote you on my homepage for a week. Or, if you don’t have a website and guess right, we can work out some sort of other bragging rights for being da beeg weinna. Maybe bragging rights is enough in your little world of lapdogs and beef jerky dinners. Who knows.
So, leave a comment, make your guess. Jeff Waldron, you are excluded and can’t ruin the fun for everyone else;)
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Mappy cocktail artwork
- Mappy Cabinet in Dayton area
- Popeye and Super Mario Brothers – A lucky score!
- Another poor converted Midway Mappy
- Midway Mappy Kickplate Artwork
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Seriously, what is going on with all the Jeff’s. I have thought that to myself a lot. Jeff Phillips in IL and then Jeff Waldron in northern IN. All in close proximity to me. If they are all scorpios, I would really have to freak. Can’t get enough of a good name I guess.
Uh, your answer is not right, good guess.
On the topic of the sideart, I don’t know why Darin didn’t do sideart, mostly because, I am noticing a trend with Phoenix Arcade, maybe it’s just me. Doesn’t seem like much sideart. I don’t know if it is as simple as profitability of printing large cabinet artwork or what. I would like to know the answer.
I haven’t seen any talk about people wanting Mappy sideart, have you? I think it would be worth about a run of 20 pieces, and then there may be no demand ever again. But all of the Mappy cabinet’s seem to have some degree of ripped artwork. Easy for punks with fat finger to grab the edges I guess.
Maybe if Rich reads this he’ll interject some opinion, but someone else needs to do some legwork on gathering interested parties…

That is strange that PhoenixArcade didn’t make sideart for it. I bought everything else for it from him.
I don’t remember seeing many people asking about Mappy sideart, but not sure. If there isn’t sideart available by the time I’m ready to work on mine, I might scan and vectorize it and see if Rich or someone else wants to print them.
Mine is really not that bad, and the chunk that is missing is in the middle in a black area. I probably could cut a piece of black vinyl and stick it in there and it wouldn’t be as noticeable.

You get this art together and I will so run it!
Mappy is on my list of games to have and I should probably snatch up a cpo from Pheonix while he still has them : )
One promblem with sideart like this is its twice the work
for screening since its cut to a shape and flipped you have 2 complete different setups for the right and left sides so this alone will at least double the reg price of having art like this screened. Unlike art like say DK where its just the same for both sides.

Thanks for the comment, I hadn’t even thought through that yet, but that’s right, the artwork would be flipped, and there for different on each side of the Mappy cabinet. What a pain.
Jamie, would you have time to do a scan of your Mappy cabinet sideart on one side, or not? I am in the initial stages of writing a new primer article, and am using this piece as the example for research purposes. Not saying I have personal vested interest in this being reproduced…but I will be doing legwork anyway, so might as well poke at it a little bit.
If anyone stumbles across this post, or other klov members, leave a comment if you would purchase a dual set of Mappy sideart. We’ll see how many actually reply…

I could definitely scan it, but not for at least a week or so. I’m in the middle of finishing some work related stuff that I have to get done before doing anything else.
I’d love to see it made. 🙂
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April 24, 2008
Congrats on the Mappy cabinet! Mappy is a great game. 🙂
What’s with all the arcade Jeffs!?
Regarding your contest…my first thought was that maybe you were going to put your Jr. Pac-Man board and other parts in it, but your Jr. Pac is already dedicated. So….my official guess is that you are going to return this to a Mappy, and get some art printed up for it.
If that’s the case, let me know. I am definitely up for some Mappy sideart. Mine is in very good shape, but one side has a small piece missing and could stand to be replaced.