Donkey Kong 2 Marquee Films
For the legion of you out there who are really excited about Donkey Kong 2 and the complete “Make Your Own” artwork package being offered by This Old Game, here is a look at some of the initial films for the printing progress for the marquee.

In the first photo you can see the marquee artwork in the emulsion being exposed. The film will need to be rinsed off and dried thoroughly. Then in the second photo you see the screen, stretched on the frame ready to print the blacks. The marquee prints will be made as a 2nd surface screen-print on 1/8″ Clear Acrylic Plexi.
The Donkey Kong 2 artwork conversion package for Nintendo cabinets is a tremendous amount of work and a huge deal to the arcade community. Donkey Kong 2 is a truly unique game released with true fans and collectors in mind. If you check out This Old Game’s Donkey Kong 2 artwork page, you will see a list of all of the pieces that are being printed. There is a limited amount of pieces made, the Donkey Kong 2 artwork availability will be based on the pre-order sales.
Have an empty blue Nintendo cabinet sitting around?
Then you don’t want to miss out, head on over to This Old Game and order your artwork package to convert it. If you ask, “Well, I ain’t no horny toad, and I know there was never no Donkee Kung Tu. You ain’t gonna make me sing into yer can, is ya?” Well, I guess maybe you’d be a movie star, a bit of a doofis, and generally not aware that additional levels were made as an expansion kit for the original Donkey Kong. Jeff Kulczycki is the developer, and is offering this kit for only $40! Check out Jeff’s page dedicated to the new Donkey Kong 2 arcade game for more information.
~Edit 6:40 I had written this post about the Donkey Kong 2 artwork before 10 am this morning, and Rich beat me to the punch and updated his Donkey Kong page with these film photos before I was able to get this post proofed.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- New Donkey Kong 2 Webpage Design
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- Donkey Kong Arcade Game Restoration – A Photo Walkthrough
- Photos of the Star Wars Cockpit artwork films
- What’s it worth? Donkey Kong Jr. Parts
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