Dedicated Jr. Pac-man on Craigslist in AZ
Finding a dedicated Jr. Pac-man is a difficult proposition, but a couple of times a year you will see one come up for sale on one of the many typical gaming outlets, either RGVAC, Klov or BYOAC, or the more traditional outlets like Craigslist or ebay. Jr. Pac-man’s come up for sale so in-frequently, and it is my favorite game, that I get excited anytime I see one for sale anywhere in the US.
Friday a listing came out on Craigslist in Phoenix Arizona for a “dedicated” Jr. Pac-man. It’s hard to tell by the photo in the listing if the Jr. Pac-man is a converted Mappy, or a factory original. The sideart is hidden, but on one side at least either part or all of the Mappy sideart is showing. This machine is definitely a converted Mappy, unless the Jr. Pac-man sideart was meticulously pulled away with the Mappy artwork in tact underneath. You can tell that it is Mappy artwork because of the red border.
Three freestanding arcade games two needs repaired, one working. Pac-man Jr. and kick boxing and ? Asking or $600 (Will not seperate, must pick up) Leave a message if you call and someone will call you back at 623/566-4503. Thank you.

$600 for the lot of games, may or may not be a good deal. It kind of depends on whether you value the other two games or not. The Kung Fu game isn’t worth crap, looks like it is in a painted over Williams Defender cabinet. Is that a Tutankam to the left? That has some value so the lot of them are probably worth about $500 seeing as the Jr. Pac-man even in a Mappy cabinet is probably worth about $300 plus.
Here’s hoping I can get the serial number for my Jr. Pac-man registry if it is a dedicated unit and not a Mappy conversion.
Update July 30th, 2008
I figured that this Mappy / Jr. Pac-man in Arizona was long gone. But lo and behold, the ad for the three arcade game lot comes back up on Craigslist, and funny enough, the guy is now asking for $625.00, more money than in March. Ha.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- New Jr. Pac-man Registry entry
- Another poor converted Midway Mappy
- The History of Jr. Pac-man & it’s Sideart
- Jr. Pac-man dedicated in Arkansas
- Crazy day for arcade games on Craigslist
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Good catch Jeff. I should have seen that, but I didn’t. There is still a possibility that the Jr. Pac-man artwork is ripped off completely, or mostly. Wouldn’t know without seeing the side of the machine…but either way, thanks for the comment.
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March 28, 2008
That is a Mappy conversion. Note the red border on the side art.