Sold my Xevious Cabinet
Over the last year, I kept trying to think of ways to get up to Michigan and meet Mudmantim to get a couple of cabinets off of him, an Xevious and a Tempest. He basically told me I could have them if I wanted to come get them.
Well, the trip itself would have cost more than the cabinets were worth, so we figured out another way. I met him midway in Fort Wayne and got four cabinets in trade for the non working (at the time) but complete Frenzy in exchange. This was a game he really wanted and he is a good friend so even though it wouldn’t benefit us either way financially, I knew Frenzy would get a good home.
I immediately sold the Tempest, I got sticker shock on my gas costs. But I kept the Xevious with intentions to put it back together. But as circumstances changed (GMAT and MBA program), and I fought so much with other games this summer, not to mention fully working Xevious’s top out at about $200, I decided that maybe the cabinet was expendable.
Two weeks ago I found a guy in Dayton would wanted to buy a cabinet for a Mame machine and I offered it up at my cost. He came over last weekend and bought it.

I was sad to see it go. I still love the sideart on Xevious, even though the gameplay isn’t that great. I am going to keep hoping that I can find one locally for market price, it is hardly a rare game.
But even with the sale I still managed to keep two games in the garage, the Food Fight cabinet, and the new Ms. Pac-man.

Here are some similar arcade posts
- Tempest Arcade Cabinet
- Traded empty Jamma cabinet for a complete Atari Xevious
- A new, refreshed Stern Frenzy
- More Xevious Artwork Revealed
- Xevious Cabinet
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If I didn’t already email you, your best bet is to hook up with other local collectors there in NJ on to try to piece this out. Thanks for stopping by.
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February 8, 2009
I have a Xevious complete game in not working
condition, looking to sell or piece out, cabinet in
good condition ,I am in Rutherford NJ, pass this around thanks