Happ Vision Pro 19″ – $135 Feb. 2008
Got a call today from the local Happ representative, Jill Reams. I had contacted her a couple of times this month to see if Happ Vision Pro monitors would be going on sale again anytime soon. She gave me a call today and let me know that they are on the sale flyer for the month of February 2008 for $135 plus shipping. (I believe they ship out of Chicago) If you buy four or more you can get them for $130 price point.
I will be getting at least one this time around, if not two, another one for a friend on his behalf. The last time they were on sale I believe was last October, and at the time I didn’t think it was a good decision to get one. I have one brand new Vision Pro 19″ in my Jr. Pac-man, and you just can’t beat that brand new monitor. The one I am getting this time around will either go in my Pengo, which has an old, crappy, Electrohome with a good amount of Pac screen burn, or in my Mame machine that maybe one day I will finish.
Get yours now, this is a pretty good deal. I think they come out to about $150 with shipping if I remember right.
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- Happ Vision Pro 19″ Monitors – $130-$135 Sale
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Hey Jeff…something’s up with the comments on your site. When you submit one, you get a page with a PHP error at the top and a captcha. I filled out the captcha and it submitted the comment, but took me to another page with more PHP errors….figured you would want to know about them.

The Happ Vision Pro monitors are a good deal. I think that you can find Betson’s sometimes for about the same price, but nothing to drastically different than $135.
I will try to keep an eye on the comments. I submit responses through the same interface, and haven’t seen anything yet, but with all of the problems I have been having lately with the blog.
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February 1, 2008
Thanks for the tip! Too bad I’m broke right now. 🙁 That’s an awesome deal.