White Mr. Do! with Sideart for Sale!
Late last week, an arcade collecting contact pointed out to me that another collector had a white Mr. Do! with the sideart, the one I have conveted for over a year now, was up for sale. Not to mention, this Do! was cheap cheap. Only $200. Check out the photos.
I couldn’t believe how great of condition the classic game is in. It’s like this white Mr. Do! was different than the others ones, because the artwork on the side had little to no flaking.
I thought briefly that this Mr. Do! machine was the one that Mark Deroller once owned. It had some ruboff on the side artwork of the machine, where you would place your left hand when playing the game. I also knew how far about Mark was in MA area to the current owner, and the current owner had posted total mileage each year he traveled to add to his arcade game collection. But, then I noticed the Mr. Do! control panel was different between the two different white machines. So, this makes it official that I have now seen three “white” Mr. Do!’s with sideart, possibly all made by Gleeb.
Only catch, the coin-op collector who owns it is all the way across the United States. I started to check into UShip, which is pretty cool, but it didn’t appear that even at such a low price I would be able to get the Mr. Do.
I told my fellow collector who turned me onto the Do! that we had to do something about it. He is within two hours of the game, and I have emailed the owner in the past about other arcade games. At the very least I was hoping he could make a deal to get out there and scan the Mr. Do! sideart.
But as of right now, he is considering the idea of just outright buying the Mr. Do! Watch here for updates…
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Another White Mr. Do! Mention
- White Mr. Do! in New York
- Mr. Do Illustrated Sideart History
- Ladybug with Sideart – Artwork style similar to White Mr. Do!
- Updates on Mr. Do! leads
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You may have seen the white Mr. Do! with sideart in MA then that I have seen. Rob Carroll owned it for awhile, and got me some great photos, helped me in re-creating the bezel in vector format. But not the one on this machine, it looks more like the sideart. I think at onetime Walt G. in MA had one of these two, but both of those machines had sideart that wasn’t worth anything. Otherwise I would have seen if you could do the scan, the new owner of Rob’s machine and I have been in touch before.
I really like everything about the original Mr. Do machine, except the sides of the Unverisal machine. I love sideart, not sure they would blend well together….don’t know, the Mr. Do! characters here are really well looking. Like arcade games on an acid trip.
I did notice the Tron, but coming into the arcade scene later, I never played Tron growing up, and it holds little interest for me. Have played it once at a local collectors house, and I don’t get it. Cool looking machine if you like Tron, a lot of stuff going on…will give it that.

It was Rob’s Mr. Do that I saw. I bought a Breakout from him and saw it when I went to pick it up. I’ve never played Tron, but its pretty cool looking.
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November 20, 2007
Hey Jeff,
That cabinet is pretty sweet. I like the sideart on that. I saw one before that another collector in MA had. The sideart on his was very faded. Mr. Do is a pretty cool game, and I like the art on that cabinet much better than the plain universal Lady Bug style cabinet. If I knew where it was, had money, and if it wasn’t right before Christmas I’d go buy it and send you a scan of the sideart. I’m in RI. I am officially trying very very VERY hard not to buy anything arcade related until after Christmas, but it is not an easy task. 🙂 My arcade obsession is bordering on a mental condition. 🙂
Did you notice the Tron sitting on the truck in picture 2?