Pengo CPO Vector Update 1
I started working on vectorizing the Pengo control panel overlay (cpo) the day after I scanned it. In the first day I got the Pengo on the underside of the joystick (down motion) finished, as well as most of the Pengo eskimo player 1. On day two, I finished the eskimo player 1, and two players by mirroring the same artwork. Today, I also finished Pengo pushing an ice block into a sno bee on the upper left. But just Pengo, not the ice or the sno bee themselves.

Don’t know what tomorrow will bring for the Pengo artwork, hopefully continued progress.
There has been a ton of great debate and information on the Klov forums over the past couple of days on this Pengo project. We’ll have to pick between the two versions of most of the Pengo artwork, I will probably only do one set of reproduction artwork for this Sega game. We’ll have one marquee, one bezel, and one control panel reproduced. There is only one version of the Pengo sideart.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Pengo CPO Vector Update 2
- Pengo CPO Scanned
- Pengo Numerals CPO Vectorized!
- Pengo CPO Vector Update 3 – Tracing Complete!
- Pengo Control Panel Color Separations
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Jamie, thanks as always.
I am thinking that the Pengo pushing the sno bee at the top of the control panel on the right should just be a mirror. But, once I finish Pengo on the left, I’ll mirror it and meticulously check details. Same with the Pengo’s by the joystick.
For only a perpetuated rumor of 3,000 of these made, I see a good amount of conversions. I like the curve profile of the cab myself….
Everyone always says “Too bad” about this game being converted, or trashed…but it for me personally, these cabs were too nice to turn into Cosmic Bowl…or be sitting in a warehouse used (like I’ve seen).
The cabs are way too heavy on the wood though, that is for sure. Sega sure didn’t save any money there.

The Sega Pengo cabinets were a light colored, dense particle board. It isn’t like the Atari particle board, it’s a whole different breed.
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November 16, 2007
Hey…this is looking good. It should take you no time at all now. It looks like the pengo in the top left pushing the snow bee (?) is a mirror of the one on the top right? Are you just going to copy and flip that? Looks like the same goes for the left and right Pengos on the joystick.
I should find a Pengo now. 🙂 I think I now of someone that has a converted cabinet in good shape, but I really need to stop spending money on arcade stuff…at least until after Christmas.