Original Universal Mr. Do! Backglass
There isn’t all that much vector artwork out there for the original Mr. Do! arcade game. On Local Arcade there is a quick Universal bezel that was vectorized, but that is about all I can find. (Search “Universal” and you should find the bezel) You will also find the Mr. Do! instruction card and the circular sticker sideart that is really easy to find, and I am concerned with neither of those Universal items. As you can see, the Universal bezel isn’t accurate, it is just a rough with the monitor view center off center in the artwork.

In terms of other artwork, granted, the original Mr. Do! cabinet just has the red strips on the sides, but there are a lot of other parts, like the control panel overlay, the marquee, and the backglass.
Back in 2005 there was a post in the BYOAC forums about a member who had a scan of the Mr. Do! backglass, and had finished a trace. He was going to reproduce the artwork for himself at the very least, and then release the vector trace to Local Arcade. I don’t think that ever happened.

I posted on the old topic to see if I can get a copy of that Mr. Do! backglass file, and emailed one other contact to see if he could help me out. It is a really cool design, even though I don’t know what the design has to do with Mr. Do! Universal seemed to put a lot of planning into the games and the quality, but not a whole lot into individual cabinet designs.
On a related exciting note, I got an automated email back from a feeler I sent out. I found the name of the former Vice President of Universal Distributors of Nevada. I emailed asking him to see if he knew some of the companies that licensed out Mr. Do! from Universal back in the early 80’s. I hope he can give me some information and can remember back that far.
~Edit – 11/27 Heard back from the contact I emailed to see if he had a copy of the Mr. Do! backglass already in vector format. Zorg on the Mame forums is working on vectorizing the whole thing, here is the bezel and backglass as one file and the progress to date.
Pretty awesome, it will be cool to see this classic arcade bezel preserved.

Here are some similar arcade posts
- Former CEO of Universal & Mr. Do!
- Vector Rock Ola Logo
- Standing Sega Pengo Marquee
- Local Arcade Pac-man Sideart Illustrator File Inaccurate
- Updates on Mr. Do! leads
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This Old Game used to carry this artwork if memory serves. But as of today, its not on their website I see – so it must not be stocked.
That is still the most quality resource to follow up with.
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August 13, 2020
Hi, did this back glass art get finished?