Moon Patrol Bezel Reproductions
I had to give a shout out to Jamie and his “Noise Land Arcade” who is in the final stages of making some reproduction bezels for the classic arcade game Moon Patrol. Jamie started this project because he could never seem to find a bezel in good condition.
The vector artwork on the Moon Patrol bezel was pretty straightforward, but the lightning type pattern in the background night sky was the real achievement. Jamie separated out the vector pieces and the raster pieces and worked on them separately. The raster artwork on the bezel was intense, I don’t know how he struggled through touching that up to a point where the Moon Patrol bezel could be reprinted, but he did an awesome job. Here is what he says on his website;
I’m getting very close to finishing my Moon Patrol restoration. I got the cabinet back in December of 2006. Since then I have been looking for a decent bezel on eBay, and was having a hard time finding one. They just don’t seem to turn up for some reason. I finally found one recently, which was in horrible condition.
I contacted Rich from He makes great repro art for Space Invaders, Burgertime, and other games. He said he would reproduce these if I can get him a good vector drawing of it! So, I’m now in the process of working on the redraw/cleanup for this using Photoshop and Illustrator. It’s coming along good so far.
Above is a larger view of the whole completed Moon Patrol bezel, and here is a smaller view showing the detail put into both the vector and raster portions.
Good job Jamie. Can’t wait to see the final product. Rich at This Old Game is doing the repros. Knowing his great work, I am sure they are going to be great. I can only imagine there are a ton of other collectors out there with their partially completed Moon Patrols who are going to be geeked to get one of these
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Moon Patrol Bezel Reproduction Update
- Crazy detail in the Mad Planets bezel artwork
- Mad Planets Bezel Artwork Finished
- Atari’s I, Robot Monitor Bezel Sticker Reproductions
- Scanning in Mr. Do! Bezel
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The question I have…how did you do clean up on that irregular night pattern in the Moon Patrol background? I haven’t seen it closeup, so maybe there is enough of a pattern in the lines to work with….but seriously, you were missing some chunks!

That was a real bitch, and what took the longest. If you look at the top and the bottom, you can see that it’s mirrored (left is similar to the right). It’s not quite even down the middle, and they don’t actually mirror the entire top and bottom if you know what I mean. It looks like they mirrored it and then changed some parts on the outside edges.
Because of that mirror, I only had to clean up about half of the top, and half of the bottom. Then I flipped the cleaned up portion and redid the areas around that weren’t part of the mirror.
The pieces that were missing were a pain. In some areas, I used the clone tool to fill in the gaps. After I did all that, I wasn’t happy with some of the light areas. They were too gray in my black and white image, so I messed with the levels to brighten them up. Then, I went over the entire thing again with the paint brush tool fixing scratches and covering spots that I think were dust on the outside of the glass. I thought I was never going to get it done.
If I had a NOS or even a decent original to work with it would have been much faster.
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November 9, 2007
Hey! Thanks for posting this. I’m famous now. 😉 Can’t wait to see this printed.