Another White Gleeb Mr. Do!
I forgot I had bookmarked this website in the middle of September. Chattanooga Pinball in Nashville Chattanooga, TN has an image gallery showing that they own what looks like a couple of Universal Mr. Do!’s. The gallery shows two Mr. Do!’s, the original version and what I believe is the “white” sideart Gleeb manufactured version of Mr. Do!.

I had kind of forgot that I saw this white sideart Mr. Do!, because Chattanooga’s prices on games are quite steep. $750 for this white Mr. Do! Yeah… I don’t think so. Plus, part of me doesn’t believe that they actually have this version of Mr. Do! with the smaller sticker sideart, that they stole this image from somewhere else. But, I am sure at some point we’ll be down that way, Nashville isn’t too far from Indianapolis, so I’ll have to plan some arcade coin-op sidetracking when we’re in that southern area again.
But, if this was a true white Mr. Do!, then this would be the fourth one I have seen.
If there are any arcade collectors in Chattanooga or Nashville that could help me out, that would be great. Whether you could stop by Chattanooga Pinball and see if they actually have the white Mr. Do!, or if you know someone personally in the company that could vouch whether the stock on the website is up to date. Eventually I will give them a call and see for myself, but knowing I won’t buy the Mr. Do! for that price might make my conversion difficult.
Update August 26, 2008
Curious what you might find inside of Chattanooga Pinball’s warehouse of arcade games? Here is a video on You Tube of a walk around at the Tennessee location. The original author of this video did a terrible job filming this video, even for an amateur, racing through the rows and not really giving us a sense for most of the games / condition of what was there. But, you can see that most of the arcade games, if you can call them that, are empty shells with the parts sold off.
I didn’t see the white Mr. Do! I thought I might have towards the beginning with the Congorilla, but like I assumed, the Chattanooga Pinball website is more than likely extremely out of date and does not at all use real photos of the machines in the warehouse.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Illinois Pinball Warehouse – Pinball plastic molds & parts
- Ladybug with Sideart – Artwork style similar to White Mr. Do!
- Buying warehouses / bulk lots of arcade games
- Mr. Do Illustrated Sideart History
- For Sale – Mr. & Mrs. Pac-man Pinball
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I have no idea why I had it in my head that this Mr. Do! was located in Nashville. And I figured that they probably just grabbed photos from online sources, like or other Google searches, I knew I had seen the exact image before.
So you used to be the arcade tech, meaning you lived in Chattanooga for awhile? That is a 2 hour drive, you don’t ever stop by that city for other reasons do you?
What is the ebay ID for Chattanooga? Is it Chattanoogapinball something something?
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July 31, 2008
Chattanooga pinball isnt located in nashville, its located in Chattanooga, Tn. (one of the southern most cities in TN.) as for which mr do they have, most pictures on their website are not from actual inventory, but images. yes their prices are steep ( I was the main Tech for the company) sometimes you can talk the owner down in prices but he (DALE) believes most items are worth a much prettier penny than what they really are… if you want a good deal buy their ebay auctions, not “in-store” items.. you will get the items at a fair auction price.