Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
![Rothe Blog Napleon Dynamite](/images/movies/mo_movies/napoleon_dynamite.jpg)
![Three and a Half Stars](/images/movies/ratings/threehalf_of_five.gif)
The Jury is still out on this one.
I got to borrow this movie from Christine, and so that was one of the main reasons I watched it, Free film.
This is an MTV film with no one noteworthy, and is highly oft-kilter. It is basically about the weird lives of these high school teens that live in a dismal poor town in Idaho. The main character is every stereotypical dork rolled into one.
I liked the movie because if you can look past it’s slow pace, and kind of stupid humor, the character development pays off in the end for some of the humor. Plus, it was a different story, and everything was really rough and dirty to kind of fit the run down town.
I wouldn’t recommend this movie to the general public. Like I said, if you appreciate seeing a different idea, then see it. This movie is all about some of the most awkward moments someone can have in high school, so you may enjoy that too. But the humor is poignantly planned stupidness, so many people won’t be able to get past that. But, to see the main character (dork) do the dance at the end of the movie for the whole school, is just breathtakingly hilarious. Trust me.
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