Anyone looking for a Taito Operation Wolf?

I have a line on a complete, more than likely not working Operation Wolf. If you haven’t seen the original dedicated cabinet before, check out the photos after the jump. Looking for someone who likes the game, has some space, and wants a deal / has an interesting trade locally to Indianapolis or surrounding cities.

Adios Red Baron

I certainly didn’t think a working Red Baron would be such a hard sell, but I finally did find a buyer, this Red Baron is headed down to Alabama.

Traded empty Jamma cabinet for a complete Atari Xevious

Just before we left for the Pinball Expo 2009 in Chicago, I had seen a post on RGVAC for a guy in Lafayette Indiana who was wanting to trade a complete Xevious for a different empty cabinet. Three weeks later and some leg work, we finally made the trade.

Who needs a Tron?

After about three plus weeks of scheduling, mostly from my end, tonight I headed down to Bloomington Indiana and picked up a Tron arcade game from the middle of no where that had been in a garage for the last 14 years.

Pinball Expo 2009 – Enjoyed seeing a couple of unique machines

Couple of weeks ago already was Pinball Expo 2009. I wasn’t going to go even though I had fun at Expo 2008, but I got a friend interested so we headed up. I know the group I went with left with a feeling as if this show wasn’t as good as last year. But there were a couple of pins there that I hadn’t seen before and without doing a ton of research, I know you wouldn’t see every day.

CHIRP – The Chipmunk Relocation Program T-Shirt

What the heck? What does this have to do with arcade? Not too much. Only in relationship. It just so happens the guy who works on my game boards has a bit of a thing for saving Chipmunks and releasing them back into the wild. Chris and I felt that this was too good of an opportunity to pass up – so we had shirts made for Chris’ annual Halloween arcade party.

My Tunnel Hunt for your Omega Race cocktail

I pick the most interesting days to make trades. This week we had some awesome weather, but I made plans to trade my Craigslist deal Tunnel Hunt for an Omega Race cocktail the day the rain came in with some fury. Everything worked out ok, close the chapter in my Tunnel Hunt saga.

Wrapped Tunnel Hunt