Chris Moore’s Halloween Arcade Game Party in Chicago – Ongoing
For all of you guys who couldn’t make it tonight, I thought I would post a quick update on what is going on with the arcade party down here in Palos Park. My feet are killing me so its a perfect time for a break.
There are a ton of people here, probably right around the 60 people Chris thought he would have. The gameroom looks awesome with Chris’s new epoxy sealed Pac-man stenciled artwork arcade themed floor. Here are some photos so far from the night.
Coming in the driveway there is a nice Halloween / Arcade touch, a Missile Command panel with a pumpking basket and some glow sticks.

Shot of the gameroom lit up with the Pac-man floor artwork.

Same shot of the gameroom later on in the night with people packed into the gameroom

Wii and Rock Hero upstairs and Corona in the R2D2 on the porch this party has been well planned, themed down to the last detail. If you missed out this year, you’ll want to come next year. Here is the flyer that I designed for the party. If you want a copy Chris will probably have some extras I am sure.

I’m sure Chris will have some more photos posted tomorrow night on his Tokens Only website.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Rotheblog makes Gameroom Magazine
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- Board Cutting, Studying and Ocktoberfest
- Airheads (1994)
- You never know with a 21st birthday
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I will say this about the floor….it looks amazing, and this is no slight to Chris, but it is definitely hard to stand on concrete in no shoes for an hour or more. If this was at my home, and I had slippers, maybe that would be enough. But carpet sure does help if you are standing at an upright arcade game. Probably on a regular day it doesn’t matter as he’ll have stools out, but not at a party…

That looks like a great party! I love the floor as well. Nice flyer for it as well Jeff. I had a bit of an arcade party at my house on Halloween this year, or I guess it was more the guys staying here and playing games, while the kids went trick or treating. I was amazed how many of my friends were still in the basement when we returned from trick or treating. I think I may do an annual arcade party on Halloween as well. I had never had all my games booted up for a party before, and I got a lot of joy out of seeing everyone enjoy them that night. I often turn on a couple at a time and play, but it is always fun to see others catch that same youthful feeling when playing them, and all the sounds and lights are cool too.

Thanks Zach for the compliment.
Pretty amazing that most people I've met react positively to arcade games, and do love the experience of playing at a standup game. But there is that personality difference between, "Hey, those are fun at your house" to "I want to fill my basement with mildewy wood".
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November 9, 2008
Nice setup Chris has. Love that floor.