Most of Pengo Sideart Traced
I had emailed a contact about getting some vector Pengo art that I thought they had. It appeared to me as if they had traced the cardboard bezel at one time, and I thought it would be a good place to start to get some vector versions of the ice mountains, sno bees and the Pengo character himself.
But come to find out, the image of Pengo bezel I saw was just a nice raster scan. So, knowing that I already had some different pieces of the sideart traced from other individuals (Pengo character, Pengo Lettering, Sega Lettering), and seeing that the artwork was fairly simple, I decided to see if I could crank through tracing it in one night.
I got through all of the major sideart details except for the sno bees on the right side of the artwork.
In one more night of work I should have the sideart decal artwork traced good enough to post an image here. Now, there will be some other details to iron out. The Pengo character doesn’t fit up with my photo (which could be due to distortion because I know the tracing is very good), there is a half tone pattern to make the gradient in the letter and the mountains in the original artwork that I will need to address, and of course the color matching.
But at least I will have the Pengo vector artwork to add to my collection. If I want to get into those details later on I can, if I find that there are people out there who want a set of the Pengo artwork I can do some reproductions. I would think there would be a significant demand, I don’t think there is any NOS Pengo sideart out there. I have found 2-3 people who have expressed some interest, Tim Hill, James Hagen and a couple of other arcade collectors in online board posts looking for sideart and control panel overlays. But we shall see.

Here are some similar arcade posts
- No NOS Pengo sideart exists
- Pengo Artwork Pantone Colors
- Pengo CPO Vector Update 2
- Pengo Bezel Artwork Update
- Pengo Numerals CPO Vectorized!
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Sorry, I don’t give out copies of the Pengo Illustrator Side Art file. At best, I would give it to someone in trade for another piece of artwork that I would want that is already vectorized. Do you have anything to offer as a trade that may be of interest?

Ah, I see.
Well, if you read any of the other posts on, I am currently in the process of doing Pengo artwork reproductions for all pieces of Sega’s Pengo, including the sideart.
There is no timeline right now, but a bulk of the work for vectorizing the artwork is done, so stay tuned and I will put you on the interested list when the Pengo sideart becomes available for sale.

that would be great i think i have the only original pengo here in chile and i want it to look complete for the club we have here thanks

That is really cool that you have a Pengo down there in Chile.
Do you want to add the serial number of your machine to my Pengo registry?
Here is the link;
If you are interested, just look at the back of the machine at the sticker right above the back door, that should have the Pengo serial number printed on it if it is still there.

great ill check next time i go to the club . you can take a look at this page ( demo web )
tell me what you think

I checked out your site earlier in the month, and all I saw was the top banner, and the beginnings of the menu, the black buttons. I saw it was in flash, and thought maybe it was still in development.
I checked it out again today, and it was the same thing, but I had to wait a minute. There was a delay in loading everything else. Pretty cool site once it loads, love the idea for the rollover effect on the buttons.
Liked the photos in the gallery, didn’t see the Pengo though. And it is pretty common to not find that original serial number sticker on the back of the Pengo’s, I have heard that alot. Bummer, but no biggie.
Do you want to do some reciprocal linking with my site? I am going to include yours as text and let me know if you do, then I can activate it.

well thatd be great! do you ave a banner? ill add you in the “links” menu. glad you liked the site. i didnt have pengo at that time . i need the cpo can i get it from you? thanks

I am still working towards having both versions of the Pengo control panel overlay produced, the numerals and the eskimos version. When they are finished, I will let you know and we can hook you up with one.
Your site Flippers Ok, it almost appears if there is a timeline hangup…have you noticed that at all after it loads? Did you develop it in flash yourself?

well its just a test it is not the final version. we are still looking for the final design and we are happy to get suggestions! the thing is that here in chile we used to call arcades and pinballs as “flippers” a guess because of the flippers in pinballs so our url is this is a huge proyect for us. The first and only pinball and arcade club for chile. it has been a year, lot of work and money to fix all the machines and we are about to get it finished. its great to get support from people like you who feels the same way about the amazing world of arcades. i feel lucky for being the one to achieve this goal in this country. thanks
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January 3, 2008
hello there. can i get the pengo side art? thanks